Connecting Playstation to MSU_DEVICES Network


How to connect your Playstation to MSU_DEVICES Wi-Fi

Connecting to MSU_DEVICES Wi_Fi (Playstation)

  1. Your device must be registered through the MSU_DEVICES portal, for instructions on how to register your device Click Here

  2. Reach the home screen of your Playstation.

  3. Once there, you will need to then proceed to your Settings tab. 

  4. Click on the Settings tab and proceed to the Network option and click it. 

  5. The options of "Use Wi-Fi" or "Use Lan Cable" will pop up on the screen, press "Ue Wi-Fi". 

  6. Once you have clicked on "Use Wi-Fi", you will have another screen with the choices of "Easy" and "Custom". Click on the option of "Easy".

  7. Once you have pressed Easy, you will you the options of the different Wi-Fis in your area, click on MSU_DEVICES and proceed with connecting. 

  8. Once you have pressed on MSU_DEVICES, you can then proceed to the "View Connection Status" to view the speed of the wi-fi along with the success of the connection. 

  9. Once you have completed all these steps, you will be successfully connected to MSU_DEVICES Wi-Fi network. 

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If you are needing further assistance with Network and Wi-Fi please Click Here to submit a service request or contact the IT Help Desk at 606-783-HELP (4357)
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Article ID: 133562
Mon 6/7/21 9:44 AM
Wed 5/8/24 9:33 AM

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